"Maybe I ought to get funkier," Roy told me recently. And judging by his latest offering I'd say he's about right. CCM has no great need for yet another guy singing "Amazing Grace" which is what he opens with here. Roy's got a great voice, lovely and gentle one minute, hard soul funk the next. He needs to escape from the shadows of the session musician circuit (always appearing on other recordings released throughout the UK) and deserves a break. He'll get one if he can build on the success he makes of tracks such as "Time Is Tight (There Is So Much For You To Do)" - a low-down, bassline track of hard edged funk-soul. There's also still room for the Mr Nice Guy approach which is his natural persona. "Open Your Heart" and "Your Love Is Good Love" are the keys to that particular door. Because of his extraordinary talent on all things musical he can also delve deep into other territories too -for "I Will Always Love You" read Shakatak. There are ten tracks here in all and the word is definitely there Roy - get on down, let yourself go and the acclaim will come.
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Hi Roy, hows things? Get in touch. Your brother. Robert.