Sandi Patty - Find It On The Wings

Wednesday 1st February 1995
Sandi Patty - Find It On The Wings
Sandi Patty - Find It On The Wings

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
LABEL: Word 7019443605
RELEASE DATE: 1994-11-15
RRP: £4.99

Reviewed by Chris Tozer

The folks who produce glitzy easy listening music are hardly renowned for creative and meaningful lyrics. Sweet tunes and catchy clichés are paramount, thank you very much. Christian MOR has fared little better. For a singer who is unable to write how they feel, it must be tempting to just record anything as long as it sounds good. So full marks to Sandi Patty who has bravely tried to avoid the excesses of 'Lushville', Tennessee. Her stated desire was for the album to reflect her own life as it is now - warts and all. She has come pretty close in succeeding, thanks to some finely crafted songs from Bob Farrell and producer Greg Nelson. Many of the tracks are about God being with us even in the tough times, or about our responding commitment to him. "Safe Harbour" is Sandi's thank you to her church for being "A place to come with a spirit to forgive" and "When I Heal" speaks of God's faithfulness - "It's hard to fathom/What he forgives he forgets." So, lyrically this album is most encouraging, but you will have to wait awhile before Sandi is the Mary Chapin Carpenter of CCM.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Don in state of Delaware @ 21:13 on Sep 22 2010

Great cd for the ccm genre of the 90's. The cd title is a great cd opener for the rest of the Sandi Patty highly polished songs to follow. I remember hearing the song on ccm airwaves at the time of the cd release. I also heard "Build My World Around YOU" play on ccm radio; another great song! I saw the video for "Carry On" on TBN, wonderful!!!:it would have been nice to see more close shots of the choir. A friend of mine saw the video also, and he now has copy of this cd. Another cd fave closes out the cd list, "Imagine (how GOD can Sing). GOD Bless! -Don

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