Posted by Scott Brand in Greer, SC. @ 02:56 on Jan 28 2008
To: Scott Roley, Hey, you probably barely remember me . I
still have the one album that you sold and signed me in
Little Rock, Arkansas when stayed at house there with my
parents for a week . I living in Greer, SC. now with my
family (my wife and 2 boys) (and 2 kittens -boy and girl ) .
Please let me know anything ok. Sincerely yours, Scott Brand
Reply by Julie Wensley in Roanoke, VA @ 20:58 on Oct 31 2008
Scott, I wanted to let you know that we're working on a
website for Scott - It will be available to
view soon. It will have all his old music as well as some
more current projects, including a book about Racial
Reconciliation. I thought you might enjoy hearing some of
the old tunes. Go to
To: Scott Roley, Hey, you probably barely remember me . I still have the one album that you sold and signed me in Little Rock, Arkansas when stayed at house there with my parents for a week . I living in Greer, SC. now with my family (my wife and 2 boys) (and 2 kittens -boy and girl ) . Please let me know anything ok. Sincerely yours, Scott Brand
Scott, I wanted to let you know that we're working on a website for Scott - It will be available to view soon. It will have all his old music as well as some more current projects, including a book about Racial Reconciliation. I thought you might enjoy hearing some of the old tunes. Go to
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