Various - Punk vs Hardcore

Published Monday 17th June 2013
Various - Punk vs Hardcore
Various - Punk vs Hardcore

STYLE: Hard Music
RATING 5 5 5 5 5
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 136837-20358
LABEL: Thumper Punk

Reviewed by Elliot Rose

"Welcome to Hardcore Christian Radio". The unity of Thumper Punk Records and Caustic Fallout has brought together 27 tracks on one disc in order to raise money for the website. Presented in two halves, Disc 1 is an all-out onslaught of some of the heaviest hardcore Christian music around. Cranking the overdrive up to max, each artist's passion certainly cannot be called into question, the standout numbers are Braveheart's "Nineteen Eleven" and "Keep On Smiling" by Gorilla Warfare. Disc 2 - the Punk side - kicks off with "Old Rugged Cross" by False Idol before leading into the highlight of the side, "Revolution" by True Liberty (possibly only because it's very reminiscent of Motorhead). When the lyrics have biblical origins, such as "They Hate You" by Grave Robber, it sometimes ends up sounding like a parody, however the thing hardest hit is the vocals - many of the artists don't bother singing in tune (the biggest culprits are Divinity Theory and The Kings Kids). The two genres, punk and hardcore, don't differentiate enough to warrant a "versus" album and both sides end up losing the contest.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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