Various - New Songs '93/94 Vol 1

Wednesday 1st December 1993
Various - New Songs '93/94 Vol 1

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
LABEL: Songs Of Fellowship SFCD290

Reviewed by Jonathan Priday

This tape/CD is released to complement the New Songs '93/'94 songbook and as such must be treated as a resource. That's not to say that they don't stand up in their own right but to give them a context. Despite the title I'm sure some of the songs will be familiar but many will be fresh. The tracks are largely taken from existing Kingsway albums but those that aren't - about a quarter of the total 40 - are ably recorded by a team headed by producer Paul Field. If there is a criticism of the project as a whole it's that there is a lack of spiritual depth in the songs. We don't need "deep theology" in every song we sing, but for the overwhelming majority of the tracks to feel "lightweight" is a disappointment. Even some of the settings of Psalms and other scriptures are not always successful. There are high points, though. On this volume - "Great Is The Darkness", "Called To A Battle", "I Believe" are all top quality songs. Worth investigating.

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Reader Comments

Posted by hazel wykes in birmingham uk @ 12:07 on Sep 3 2014

I am searching for a copy of the cd NEW SONGS 93/94 VOL ONE. I cannot find it on Amazon,only vol two which I have ordered,but I would very much like NEW SONGS 93/94 Vol ONE and wondered if cross rthems can help me find a copy please as I used to have this cd back in '93 and I loved it,but it unfortunately got broken.
Hazel wykes

Posted by laura in derby @ 15:03 on Feb 25 2014

I am desperate for a copy of this CD. New songs '93/'94 volume 1. Mine got stolen out of my car. Is there any chance you can find a copy for me?
Regards. Laura Marshall

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