Reviewed by Tony Cummings
Vince Millett's plaintive cry in CR15 for British Christendom to produce fanzines has been answered! For here at last is a fanzine, right down to the photocopied production. And intriguingly the subject matter is not metal or alternative rock, the standard fare of America's numerous Christian fanzines but, wait for it, Alternative Worship. So what do you get for your money (well actually, the first issue was distributed for free at Greenbelt to generate interest/subscriptions). Re-Generate issue 1 offers an article by Graham Cray on the Challenge Of Worship As Mission, a reprint of a Third Way review on Graham Cray's seminars on culture and mission, and an article 'Soft Future' by, no, not Graham Cray but Richard Wright (who isn't either the famous black novelist or the chap who used to be assistant editor of 21st Century Christian). All very cerebral, worthy and not very fanziney at all. But things get better. Tony Griffiths from the Warehouse Group in York tells his story. The best idea of all is a Network Page (yep, Vince Millett is there!). But in issue 1 at least, the Network Page is pretty light on many names and addresses. But these are early days and presumably later issues will get thicker than the ten pages when they start selling Re-Generate. Is it any good? Well, let's be charitable and say it's a good IDEA though if the ludicrously out-of-touch review of the Syco album by the editor (Body And Soul's John Davies) is any indication they've got some way to go to catch all the strands of what God is doing in alternative worship outside of the narrow NOS-influenced alternative Anglicanism.
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not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed
views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may
not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a
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