Vineyard Music - Classical Vineyard 1

Saturday 1st February 1992
Vineyard Music - Classical Vineyard 1
Vineyard Music - Classical Vineyard 1

STYLE: Ambient/Meditational
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
LABEL: Vineyard Music FLD9138

Reviewed by Cliff Doust

Ah - the lilting arpeggios that launched a 1,000 sherry commercials. I'm possibly a dab inclement but the comparison with popular sherry is not altogether misplaced. The classical guitar's (& little else's) cadences of Vineyard favourites are rich, mellow and not unpleasing but I had hoped for something with a touch more body and a dash drier. The opening track "To Seek Your Face" had me spellbound: a splash of scrunchy jazz chords complimenting a refreshingly original arrangement. Regrettably most of what followed (with the exception of "Its Your Blood") was too respectful of the original arrangement: re-cycled rather than rejuvenated. Nonetheless, Christian bookshops up & down the land (and possibly dentist's waiting rooms) will be a' playing it -deservedly; and yes, it's a "safe" prezzie for next Christmas!

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Sample Track Listing:
1. To Seek Your Face [Listen]
2. Faithful One [Listen]
3. Come Holy Spirit [Listen]
4. Father [Listen]
5. Father I Want You To Hold Me [Listen]
6. You Are Here [Listen]
7. No One But You [Listen]
8. It's Your Blood [Listen]
9. Take Our Lives [Listen]
10. Resting Place [Listen]
11. Refiner's Fire [Listen]
12. Change My Heart, Oh God [Listen]

This track data is supplied by the Cross Rhythms CD/DVD review library. Please note that CD tracks may vary according to release region or product version.

Reader Comments

Posted by nendra cung in Indonesia @ 06:05 on Dec 24 2011

can u send me the link to download the album for free ?? i really love this music and arrangement. thx God bess

Reply by Kaye in Temecula, Ca. @ 21:26 on Feb 11 2012

I've always loved this CD but have lost it and would like to know how I can get it again. Thanks, Kaye

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