Something to Celebrate

Christmas Buffet and Community Vision Radio Programme


Nearly 30 local civic, and business leaders attended a special radio programme, broadcast live on Cross Rhythms City Radio across Stoke-On-Trent on Wednesday 17th December 2003 from 12.30pm to 2.00pm

'Something To Celebrate' was a live Christmas buffet and Champagne party with contributions from all 30 leaders. Each person was looking back at 2003 and celebrating the year by sharing for a few minutes on air something that in their opinion has been successful and worthy of celebration in Stoke-on-Trent this year.

Said Chris Cole, Cross Rhythms CEO, "The purpose of this special programme is one of affirmation of the city and a recognition that there is an incredible amount of good news happening in our communities throughout the year. All the leaders assembled, whatever their background, will be united in bringing this to our attention".

During the live programme every leader received a gift as a token of acknowledgement for their service into our community. This gift was generously donated by local ceramics company Lorna Bailey Artware. A presentation was given to Mayor Mike Wolfe on behalf of every leader assembled from Cross Rhythms' Chris Cole. Said Chris, "Leaders often receive plenty of challenge or criticism from others but they rarely get acknowledged for the genuine good work they do and the pressures they take in their desire to make positive contributions to our city. The times of sacrifice, hard work, standing in being misunderstood and genuine heart for the people of Stoke is mostly unseen and unencouraged."

Chris continued, "We ourselves have been so thrilled by the generosity of Lorna Bailey and her team in supporting us in this celebration and acknowledgement of local leadership. Lorna has been a beacon of light for local creative enterprise in the city and her contemporary ceramic gift, given at such an occasion, is an encouragement to us all that to move forward in our contemporary age will require ever increasing partnership, relationships and a level of common purpose within our city."

Guest List:

Mayor Mike Wolfe
Cllr Geoff Davies - Independent Group Leader

Cllr Mick Salih - Labour Group Leader

Cllr Roger Ibbs - Conservative Group Leader

Cllr Jean Bowers - Lib Dem Group Leader

Cllr Paul Breeze - Deputy Mayor

David Bailey - Media & Comms Officer, Staffs Police

Chief Superintendent John Wood - Staffs Police

Malcolm Hawksworth - City Centre Manager

John De Kanter - INSTAFFS

Debbie Sanderson - Head Teacher Mitchell High School

Kevin Howard - Signal Radio

Daniel Flynn - YMCA

Charles Machin - Port Vale FC

Dec Brennan - Action Line

Thurayya Cahill - Union of African & African Caribbean Organisations

Dave Newall - Citizen's Advice Bureau

Patrick Parks - Hanley Hope Centre

Kirk Thompson - Children's Fund

Derek Munro & Maxine Kelly - Voluntary Action

Sara Littlejohn - Volunteer Reading Help

Jon Cotgreave - Groundwork

James McAteer - Media Action Group For Mental Health

Phill Tapp - Learning Skills Council

Lloyd Cooke - Saltbox Christian Centre

Robert Mountford - City Vision Ministries

*United Strength Is Stronger is the Stoke-on-Trent city motto.

 More in Past Community Celebration Events..


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