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Article Title: Show Me Your Ways
Author of reported comment: Kevin Murray
Comment Date: 01:25 on Jan 19 2007
Comment: This album to me has encouraged me through my Christian walk, the lyrics is biblical and straight from the heart. You dont get alot of songs from people straight from the heart! Allan is a great worship leader and i would back him ALL the way, God is moving in him and his ministry!!! Mr cumming, i feel you review is really bad and i can see you have NO idea about Christian music or infact cant see a Great worship leader if it hit you in the face... anyway tony cummings who are you?? Without Judging, i am stating on your review is totally WRONG! 1 question to me is what would Jesus say about it... Its certainly not that!!! Allan Keep up the great song writing and worship leading, God is moving within you. ALways seek God in every sitution! Yours wholly in Christ Kevin Freedom Church Uddingston
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