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Article Title: Richly Blessed
Author of reported comment: kristy
Comment Date: 21:00 on Jan 27 2007
Comment: well, after all the comments i read... i just want to say something. we christians are no one to judge nor predict someone else's future by what our eyes see. i dont take either side because simply, it's not my buisness. some here are saying that we have to help one another cuz we're brothers n stuff, but come on, it's not like we are close to Nic and Jaci. i think that role belongs to close friends and family. our role is just prayer, and believe that God makes everything beautiful after it's been torn apart. God uses our own mistakes to show us that he can make something good come out of it, and that's just between the person and one else. every comment here is put according to each individual's conviction but doesn't necesseraly mean we are right. remember, we are no one to judge, because the only difference is that our actions are not put all over the internet. "let anyone who is free of sin throw the first stone"
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