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Article Title: Max Divorce
Author of reported comment: kristy
Comment Date: 17:43 on Jan 29 2007
Comment: This is a letter to kevin but anyone can read it, kevin i hope you will have time to post a reply:Dear kevin, i was devistated when i heard about your and Alayna's divorce.It was atottal shock to me. i can understand how helpless you must have felt.i dont know quite how to explain this to you except through the bible:matthew says this about divorce;The pharisies asked jesus is it lawfull for a man to divorce his wife for any reason? jesus said ' it is lawfull to do this only if your wife is an adulter.what god has joined together let no man seperate. If he divorces and marries agin he has commited adultery." this is seirious kevin it was wrong and you know it im not tryi ng to be judjementle im telling you this because i realy and truly care about you. if you admit it and ask God for forgivness then he will forgive you. i pray for you every day that you might see the truth. And dot think im saying u should divorce amanda and marry alaynas again. look at this divirce it was wrong trust me. love from your sister in christ kristy(more commenly knoen as Resident of boulderthislifeheven thenext)Im sending a compleat version of this letter to your fan address.God Bless you Kevin Max Smith.
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