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Article Title: Eternal Life
Author of reported comment: Art Correa
Comment Date: 00:15 on Jan 31 2007
Comment: Ernie Toppin is part of my Fellowship (The Door Christian Fellowship) and and we recently had a revival with him and he has made a few new CD's. If anyone is interested you can e-mail me at or just go our churche's site at I must say that last time I cheked, the site wasn't finished and hadn't gone through any more progress, and i raely get on the computer myself but you can try our website and if that doesn't work you can e-mail me personaly and we'll see what we can work out. But he has awsome music and an incredible testimony. He turned down a multi-million contract to serve God's will and even had a video on the U.K MTV. God has transformed and blessed this man greatly, and he's not playing no games that's for sure, so don't be afraid you might be listening to someone with a lukewarm relationship with God, He is very much on fire. So contact me if you need any further info. If some way you can't get a hold of us, just search for any of the Door fellowship churches, we'll be happy to help you. God Bless
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