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Article Title: Over This World
Author of reported comment: Juliette
Comment Date: 22:46 on Feb 6 2007
Comment: I first heard Quatuor Yimbila sing at a conference in Glasgow in December 2006. It was a three day conference and the guys sang some of their songs but also did praise and worship. It was evident to me that these men no only at talent but were very 'anointed' by the Lord Jesus to lead His people into the presence of God. Another thing that was evident to me is that there is a committment and love of the Lord Jesus and to the body of Christ which will always be remembered by me. I remember thinking to myself why have I not heard this group before. Quatuor Yimbila, I thank you personally for the time you have spent in UK and would encourage you to believe that you have touched and changed lives whilst you have been here. Thank You!
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