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Article Title: Shirley Goes R&B
Author of reported comment: Evangelist
Comment Date: 10:05 on Feb 10 2007
Comment: The bible says a friend of the world is the enemy of God -- the church and world do not mix. He also said come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord. No, we aren't to "judge" but we are to tell the truth. If we see our brother or sister over taken in a fault we are to restore such a one. At the beginning of my walk with the Lord I loved to listen to Shirley Caesar -- Today I listened to a video clip on You tube and she stated that David and Joseph probably rapped -- they didn't have such a thing back then. David was a true worshipper read book of Psalms -- he knew how to praise God with a pure heart. Ms Caesar please don't try to justify your rapping! You cannot enter the presence of God singing or talking just anything. It's just entertainment for the flesh not the spirit.
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