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Article Title: Max Divorce
Author of reported comment: John
Comment Date: 07:52 on Feb 16 2007
Comment: Reading through all the above in relation to Kevin's divorce reveals a wide variety of views. As much as we look down on the outcome of their relationship, I am reminded, as I read, of two things. The first was seeing through the eyes of Christ..."you who is without sin throw the first stone."(John 8:7-11) This passage exemplifies the heart of the Father. He knows our frame, and despite our inadequacies, continues to uphold us. Proverbs 24:16 "...a righteous man falls seven times, but he gets right back up." Secondly, the Father turns our mistakes around for His Glory...ever heard of a poet, artist, musician, writer, a man living on the edge by the name of David? More specifically...King David? A man after God's own heart? Sounds a lot like the person in discussion...if God could take this king (who was by the way, an adulterer and murderer) and bring forth the wisest man to ever live (Solomon) and the King of all Kings (Jesus came from his line), God will also do wonders for Kevin Max. Let's pray that we all begin feeling the heart of the Father for people, rather than being quick to nail people to the cross like the Pharisees. Shalom...
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