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Article Title: The Message We Live
Author of reported comment: Rob
Comment Date: 23:07 on Feb 26 2007
Comment: I read this review around the 20th Feb when the first comment appeared but feel now I have to add something. Firstly I have to say the review was a little harsh in my view and also framed in somewhat prevocative language. Having said that, the extreme responses to it above were such that it encouraged me to go and visit Chris and Jennies website and listen to the clips on there. Yes, I'm sure they are lovely, well meaning people and yes, they are doing a fine thing in using their gifts to support such a good cause etc. but.... how many songs have been written using exactly the same words lifted from scripture already? Do these songs add anything new to our understanding of what scripture means? Do they take us places in worship we've not been before? The truth is there's been dozens of similar songs produced in the last 15 to 20 years so they don't score highly on the originality front. I may not agree with the reviewers delivery in this case but I still think he does have a point. Rob
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