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Article Title: The Message We Live
Author of reported comment: Rob
Comment Date: 15:03 on Mar 4 2007
Comment: Hi Dan, Sorry, no I disagree. Musical and or lyrical innovation can help, with the Holy Spirit, in taking us where we've not been before. If that was not the case why is anyone bothering to write new songs? I also disagree on the conclusion of your second point. Yes the Christian music industry is missing the point and losing its way badly, agreed. The problem however is in its lack of interest in originality. You only have to look at the 1001(or more) worship albums that all sound the same to see that. The industry has a set view on what it can sell and unless it fits in the narrow criteria that sells in bulk, generally they are not interested. Its driven by sales and not much else as far as I can see. I think Peters point was that this album sounds like all the rest, well produced and played, standard scripture based lyrics. If you believe that is all we can/should offer to God in worship (in the narrow musical sense) then I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.
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