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Article Title: Howard 'Slim' Hunt 1935-2007
Author of reported comment: Sis. Riles
Comment Date: 14:21 on Mar 12 2007
Comment: My husband and I was deeply sadden to hear about "Slim's" passing. His ministry had a great impact on our lives and the people of Houston, Tx. We never missed the Gospel Explosion Concerts as we knew "Slim" always had a word through his song. Not only did he sang, but he preached! We loved it! His last words to the world was "JUDGEMENT". He always preached about gettin' your house in order, because Jesus is coming. That was his message. We will miss you Slim, but we know you are where you always sang about.........and that's in your "Father House" where there are many mansions. We pray for his wife and the group that God will give them guidance and strength to continue on his work.
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