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Article Title: New Album, New Signings
Author of reported comment: Emily Rogers
Comment Date: 19:31 on Mar 14 2007
Comment: The Murrills are one of the best groups that the world will ever here. These annointed sister and brothers were annointed from their mother's womb to become 1 great and powerful music ministry. that captivates true worship at another dimension. I've known the Murrills all of theier lives and I know of their origin. With both parents whose lives were dedicated to carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The unique quality that these inspiring characteristic they have and is not seen alot of is they are all family and family ties are important to them. I want to commend them on a job well done. There is much work in the Kingdom of God to be done. I thank God for my beautiful family. I also thank God for their awesome mother The late Evangelist Janie Rogers Murrill, my biological sister who was a mother (after momma died)my best friend. Just remember she is looking down and smiling with a pleasureable heart. I am sooooo proud of you. love you much Aunt Emily
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