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Article Title: The Message We Live
Author of reported comment: Rob
Comment Date: 17:04 on Mar 16 2007
Comment: Dan, I've read back thro my previous comments on here and can't find anywhere I suggetsed that truth should be sacrificed in the name of originality. Consequently the bulk of your reply seems to be aimed at a position I do not hold. The reviewer (Peter Dilley I believe his name is. Referring to him as "Dilley" indicates an unnecessary degree of anger on your part) suggested it wasn't anything different to most other worship CDs. You (and a bunch of other people from Chris and Jennies church I'm guessing, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that) clearly disagree and feel indignant about the tone of the review. Setting aside the issue of the tone of the review (which I think we agree on) what would you rather the reviewer had said? Its a worship album and the money donated all goes to a good cause so 10 out of 10? I think a review like that would be dishonest if the reviewer felt as strongly as Peter clearly did. Sacrificing truth in the name of......what exactly? We seem happy to sing our heads off with words of truth and love, but seem unable to handle the two together when they have to come off the page of the music book and apply to how we live and speak. I realise I have one finger pointing at you and the others pointing back at me!
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