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Article Title: Delirious?
Author of reported comment: Mark C
Comment Date: 13:53 on Mar 19 2007
Comment: Martin Smith is a legend. I have so much respect for him. A few years ago I played in a band called Ripcord and he took time out from his busy schedule to give me advice - big respect. It's also good to hear his views on the US scene steering CCM artists to make worship albums because 'that's what sells' - sadly my current band (QUENCH) has really suffered because of this, because we won't sell out - I think there's a huge ministry out there in making music to reach the rock kids who don't 'get' worship music (yet!) so please support the bands out there who make music about God's heart for the World - about real issues and real life. Music that will encourage Christians and point non Christians to the only one who can really save them - Jesus Christ. Many people in the industry wanted to water Quench's sound down to cheesy Christian pop, but I'm proud to say that we took the harder decision and recorded our new CD on our own without any industry help, with a secular producer (Funeral For A Friend, Janes Addiction, Brigade etc) and now we have a new CD that really 'cuts it' as a credible rock album. Watch this space... Mark C QUENCH
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