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Article Title: Amazing Grace
Author of reported comment: Simon Dillon
Comment Date: 15:52 on Mar 27 2007
Comment: Hello George, Apologies - an unfortunate oversight. Oloudaqh Equiano is played very well by Youssou N'Dour. However, to be fair, this is a film that concentrates on the political machinations of William Wilberforce, and to therefore criticise it for not having enough black people in is somewhat absurd. Similar criticisms were made about Schindler's List that it didn't focus enough on the Jews, but it was Schindler's story, and both Schindler and Wilberforce are stories worth telling. Conversely, I did criticise Amistad because that is a film that would have benefited from having more about the plight of the slaves and less about the legal processes.
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