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Article Title: Amazing Grace
Author of reported comment: Chris
Comment Date: 18:59 on Mar 28 2007
Comment: Thanks for the blog regarding the film, Amazing Grace. Just wanted to let you know that this weekend and next, supporters of the Amazing Change Campaign are hosting Amazing Nights Of Grace, in a concerted effort to get everyone talking about the issue of modern day slavery. The Amazing Change is a social justice campaign launched in conjunction with the release of Amazing Grace to abolish modern day slavery. Plan your own Amazing Grace event and use the film to discuss your activism, faith, and other important themes from Amazing Grace. All the tools are ready for your use. The steps to plan your own event can be found at the following website: Learn about people continuing the work of William Wilberforce today at Thanks again for your support. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any support by contacting us through this page. Chris The Amazing Change Campaign
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