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Article Title: Max Divorce
Author of reported comment: Mike
Comment Date: 11:35 on Mar 31 2007
Comment: No matter what you say, it is still wrong. There is no such thing as a "happy divorce" where God looks down in favor. I have no plank in this area and I can say that I am family of the adoptive parents Max and Elaine Smith of Grand Rapids. Kevin has gone through some rough waters but the only solve to this one was to reconcile to each other... It is disappointing to see that this could happen to the people that have, fame and a good family up bringing...even I looked up to I use him to remind myself not to fall in his pit. I'll always care but there is always the what if... Let's pull our pants up and show the world how God wants us to live. We make choices for ever, not until I decide to break God's rules.
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