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Article Title: Look To You
Author of reported comment: Jez
Comment Date: 16:30 on Apr 3 2007
Comment: I recently posted a comment, but then i decided to read other comments, posted before mine, lots of people seem to argue back with Ben claiming that simple is good as far as lyrics are concerned. Well that is just a silly as what Ben has said, simple is good sometimes, but not all the time, no matter what age we are we need to make sure we are singing songs that have some good firm biblical truth, but in any case, thats not a problem with this album, there are plenty of songs with good firm biblical truth, but there are also a good mix of simple response songs; as Job said 'You are God in Heaven and i will let my words be few!' It is important to understand that (as Ecclesiastes tells us) there is a time for everything. And in this album there is a briliant mix of everything.
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