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Article Title: Parental Advisory Notice
Author of reported comment: melody
Comment Date: 21:22 on Apr 5 2007
Comment: I have not heard Oak Park, I'd like to hear it to form my own opinion. I just have this to's one thing to be unique and another to purposely go for "shock value" in things you do. Tonex knew the parental advisory was going to shock he going for sales or souls? As of late, it seems he's more concerend with who's buying. I always was a fan of his music b/c it was tight and unique, but I feel he is compromising his Christian standards. I just read him in an interview talking about we don't have to be singing scriptures and all that stuff...ok, that's true and there's nothing wrong with tackling "real" issues BUT the scriptures are STILL living and that is the basis of our what the deal T? Being a Christian is not boring, but it isn't being concerned with IF we're boring either, it's about obeying and living God's WORD. I know I don't know Tonex personally, and he seems like a nice enough brother, but some of his discomfort with what is traditional bothers me. Trying so hard to buck the standard can open the door for satan to REALLY take you into a different place. My prayer is that he allows his spirit to be more guided by the Holy Spirit. More Jesus--less Tonex! Less all of us! God bless! :)
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