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Article Title: Our Darkest Hour
Author of reported comment: VHJM van Neerven
Comment Date: 23:40 on Apr 9 2007
Comment: Let's keep things simple and, please, true. The available German Air Force and the RAF were closely matched. The Germans had not, I stress, absolutely had not any superiority in the fights over Britain. Most of their transports were destroyed in and over The Netherlands; parachutists' scare in Britain was nonsensical; Germany's small bombers were not up to the job; their much-feared Ju-87 dive bombers were great to attack troop formations and roads full of refugees in France, but proved to be sitting ducks for every British fighter in the air and they were withdrawn real fast. Their twin engined heavy fighters were too slow. Their best fighters had an effective operatiional time of ten minutes or less over Britain. Finally: the Germans did not have any means to cross the Channel in numbers: an invasion was simply out of the question and they never actually planned one. Instead, Berlin hoped to come to an agreement with Britain as it had so many times before. If there was a miracle, it was that the Brits at last wanted no more deals after all the deals made and al the opportunities missed. Churchill's famous praise for the RAF was good propaganda in dark times, but far from true. End of story / mythology, please, finally? Kind regards, drs. VHJM van Neerven MSW MA Chief editor VNC Communication Consultants ( Hermeneutics of War and Peace )
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