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Article Title: Delirious?
Author of reported comment: Lucila Gisell
Comment Date: 01:56 on Apr 10 2007
Comment: guys I come back, but I don´t have time. You know I had songs that I could show you if you come to mexico please could be better. well zizou cos he is my favorite soccer player even he dosen´t play anymore but he´s the great but not like JESUS!!. the catholic people its taken the young people and we the crishtians we are loosing and if we dont make anything will be worse. If you sing with Hillsong in mexico and if we show them who is the Lord and can be like us and like Jesus. The catholic people show them that Maria is the mother of Jesus and is rigth but... them want the that people worship her, that so bad and they think that them are the one only religion and its so bad, come on we need of your help and the help, mercy and love of God. well I gotta go at my church "I´LL SEE YOU WHEN I GET THERE" bye GOD blessing you always. oh!!, almost forgotten the delicious food its still there waitting for you guys.
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