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Article Title: Don't Doubt His Love
Author of reported comment: Pete Malkin
Comment Date: 19:34 on Apr 10 2007
Comment: In 1973 I had the privilage of meeting Len. It was an amazing situation. As a VERY young Christian I joined my mate, also very young in the faith (both were 17yrs old) we visited my brother in High Wycombe, near London. My brother was giving us both a tough time about our newly found faith. Anyway, by chance..... (God incidence) we noticed Christian stickers on Len's gate post and decided to introduce ourselves, not knowing who Len was. He and his wife invited us inside and really encouraged us! We told Len that we had arrived in London cos we wanted to visit "Spree 73" a Christian festival at Wmbley. Len offered to take us. We discovered that he was a Pastor and he even drove the mini bus! Both Steve and I commented that Len wasn't much of a singer..... Later to be proved wrong! Not only did Len encourage us and drive us to London, we even found ourselves on the front row on Wembley, watching Jonny Cash etc. Several months later, we discovered Len was a singer and was singing in Newcastle where we were from. We went along and to our amazement, Len even recognised us. We felt real cool! Obviously, we bought his album and actually really loved his music. Steve is now a Pastor in a Church in Sheffield. God called him soon after Spree to be an Evangelist. My path was slightly different, I became a 'Youth & Community Worker' and worked for a Christian organisation. Now my main passion is a charity that I've set up called Trans-mission Partnerships, working in Eastern Europe. ( Sorry for the long message but Len was a huge influence and encouragement for both Steve and I and I ask you to please encourage him for all he did for us. Thank you. Pete
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