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Article Title: Starry, Starry Night
Author of reported comment: Wallace Wood
Comment Date: 06:19 on Apr 13 2007
Comment: As an American who chanced upon Steve Maltz' articles courtesy of blogger, "Moggy", I find his themes provocative. (Moggy's site for WWII events in the news is ) In the United States, this "Goldilocks" view that our appearance on the Earth is because everything is 'just right' is a major argument for teaching creationism. The Creationists say all celestial and earthly events are in perfect tune for human beings because God made them that way. They want this taught in schools as competition with Darwin's Theory of Evolution. This has largely been rejected on our side of the pond. Yet, I say creationism should be discussed. It is a worthy subject for logic. It might wake students from the dull torpor of listening to teachers drone on without challenge. It may even generate interest and searching questions. Science is supposed to be a method of inquiry, not a final answer to be taught and set in stone. Scientists alter and modify their theories as new discoveries and new evidence comes to light. Their work indeed led to the "Goldilocks" theory. If done in the sprit of inquiry and logic, I believe they have little to fear except inquiring minds. For one thing, if one accepts the Goldilocks view of perfect alignments due to God, the natural question begged is : which God? Or gods? If age is the criteria, the ancient religions of Egypt, India, China and even the Celts have strong claims. If the use of our minds and the uncovering of subtle logic and forces is the goal, we can only gain. After a bit of stimulating argument and overwrought emotions, of course. The simple fact that we ARE here under perfect conditions for being here is a bit elliptical. It cannot be any other way, God given or no. That does not mean it will stay that way.
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