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Article Title: Rick Joyner
Author of reported comment: MarieElena La Valley
Comment Date: 09:41 on Apr 18 2007
Comment: I agree whole heartedly. At my lil but growing deeper church; we have a lot of inpromptu, unrehearsed type worship. I attend an Apostolic Church. I have written and lead worship; have for years and when I feel inspired it is prophetic and visionary in nature. It just flows... However some worship songs, are slowly birthed liked visions... Enjoy Warrior: Here I am King and Lord like I have come so many times before Bruised and broken on this cold dark floor, a child cleaves to the dark Trying to make some sense through a meager attempt at repentance Child of God torn in two through the dust I crawl to you broken promises in shattered ruins searching for some release From the price of my neglect; the cost and its effect My Heart will not stop racing My flesh and bones are aching The tears I cry keep breaking on the shores of self denial and I've been here awhile I have walked in selfish gain, presumptuousness, my very name; were more to me than your Good Will Love's covenant fulfilled In exchange for a kingdom my own, blindly I walked from your throan Love forsaken, integrity shaken, a crises in values begins to awaken Abandoning you has brought me to deceptions crumblings walls... so on my knees I fall Desperately seeking your face Famished I cry out for your grace but How can I come before you When I have chosen to ignore you the weight of the cross that bore you and the blood that set men free... I did not want to see If you would just hold me now, heal my heart my wounds some how Deliver me from pride and shame I know I'd rise again... A warrior strong and true Devoid of all earthly things I will walk with you my King (c)
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