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Article Title: Virginia Tech Shootings: Preserving Life Vs Gun Rights
Author of reported comment: Peg
Comment Date: 11:42 on Apr 22 2007
Comment: There's a third factor in the American mindset to consider, probably more important than the two mentioned above: the growing awareness that where it comes to personal safety "we're on our own". After the disaster with Katrina in New Orleans we now know what we've long suspected: government is impotent to help us in times of emergency. The response comes too little, too late. The Wild West is back -- probably never left -- and all that's really changed since the 1800's is the costumes and scenery. Back in the 1960s there was an anti-gun slogan: "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." That's just the problem. Make guns illegal and law-abiding people have no way to defend themselves against the people who choose to break the law. It's not a pretty situation. Personally I hate guns and don't want to own one, and I wish there were some way to safely do away with 200,000,000 guns. But I understand the people who do want to own them. Outlawing guns will never stop a mass murderer (there are other weapons and other means). But a gun in the hands of a good person might stop a mass murderer from killing so many. In the end I agree with Mr Fletcher the only way to *prevent* this kind of thing is to change hearts and turn people towards God. That's what I hope to be about.
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