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Article Title: Max Divorce
Author of reported comment: mark
Comment Date: 08:28 on Apr 28 2007
Comment: At what point did we decide that Jesus left us the authority to judge our fellow man? When did we realize that our sin was less worthy of scrutiny his? Both sides have valid points worth mentioning. However, I would like to point out Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned…” and Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death…” If the wages of sin is death and all have sinned then that effectively levels the playing field. Meaning those who have burned a copy of a CD are JUST AS GUILTY as the thief behind bars, and a slanderer is JUST AS GUILTY as a murderer. No matter how small or great your offence, in the eyes of God sin is sin. According to Jesus, unless you are without sin you have no right to persecute others because of theirs. James 4:11 tells us not to speak evil of our brothers and judge them. And what of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22 & 23) are these traits expendable, to be worn like a garment and taken off when desired? I, for one, am of a different conviction. I believe that each man/woman has the responsibility to work out their salvation before God with fear and trembling. It is my responsibility to pray for and uplift my fellow man, to walk with him 2 miles when asked to go 1. To remind him in failure of God’s love and grace. If you have not lived your life trying to uphold a blameless image in the public eye, then how dare you think you can pass judgment on those who have? None of us sat in on the counseling sessions and listened to the circumstances that led to this or what actions were taken to reconcile the situation. Those are details between Kevin, Alayna, their pastors/counselors and God. That being said, Kevin should you ever read this I want you to know that I love you no matter what and that’s not “greasy grace” that is a fruit of the Spirit. Run your race Kevin, I’m praying, pulling and rooting for you all the way. My friends Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and it would behoove us not to aid his efforts!
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