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Article Title: Saved by Grace
Author of reported comment: Pam
Comment Date: 00:21 on May 7 2007
Comment: Well done! I hope you've grown stronger in your Faith as it's bee a while since your testimony...God IS the only way. I have a similar testimony and I've been clean from heroin for 18years now! Hanging on to Jesus and using Him as my role model in everything has kept me sane. Plead the blood of Jesus and the mind of Christ when you feel down and you will see and feel a huge difference! Praise God! oh, and don't try going back to "lighter drugs even if you feel you've overcome..they're a sure way of letting Satan grab hold of you again. Just stay away from everything! No need for artificial fixes...Jesus is the ultimate and the Holy Spirit the most awesome of all!God Bless You..pray for your family too...xx
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