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Article Title: Max Divorce
Author of reported comment: Mike
Comment Date: 00:04 on May 10 2007
Comment: Mark. I think the basic concept of the debate on this site seems to be is divorce a sin. It is very unfortunate that Kevin is the example used here because the blog is about him. We could say anyone else here such as Sandi Patti. It appears that even you think it is a sin. My point is that we are CHRISTIANS and should live like it. Yes, the devil will tempt, but if we really believe what the bible says is true and God provides everything that we need, we should be able to overcome every sin. You make some very good points and we should be careful of what is said but remember that after we take the plank out of our own eye, we are to (in love) help others that we see in trouble. I don't know what you call it, but if you chose to go to someone in love as described in the bible then you must have "judged" what they were doing as wrong...hence the right to judge. And I agree that every wrong thing is a sin...big or little, but the world sees the big things...and then they call us hypocrites when we do these things. The world needs to see that we are different. In the world but not of the world. Set apart! A good example worth repeating on the news! ...not just another statistic. Please reply.
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