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Article Title: Howard 'Slim' Hunt 1935-2007
Author of reported comment: Johnny Sturdivant
Comment Date: 20:17 on May 14 2007
Comment: I just found out about Slim's death via and I fell out of my chair because there are no mention of this here in the south. I will truely miss him and his singing, but he left so many sangs here so he can not be forgettin. I remember meeting him face to face when he made one of his many trips here to Miami. I remember how nice he was and how welcoming he was. I remember singing a song of his and couldn't figure out the reason why. I could not shake the song aloose which was "It won't be this way always". Now that I think about it it was around the time he passed away. He will truely be missed. Love ya much.
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