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Article Title: New Era for Northern Ireland - The Power Of Hope
Author of reported comment: Sean Burke
Comment Date: 07:05 on May 17 2007
Comment: I see a lot about the pro-british peoples and very little about the people fighting for their right of their land: the Catholic Irish. I myself have many family members who have been part of the struggle from the Catholic side in the Irish Republican Army and always see many articles about peace being sought, but the only way that peace will be sought is when the British take their oppressive rule off the Catholic people and when their becomes an agreement between the Protestant and Catholic people. This struggle has made me believe that the absence of religion is what is good for me, but for some of these people it is much too hard to do. I have a friend who is in Ireland studying the struggle and she says that things are not advancing. What can we do in the states to help work with these people who are suffering? Honestly, I am sick and tired of what the Black Europeans have gone through and want to see an end to it and we need to write more from their perspective like you did with the 11 year old girl. The apathy of youth is not only present in this case, take a look at our country with this anti-war struggle. As a person who is working extremely hard to stop this war, I see this apathy everyday with College students and high school students alike. What can be done to break this apathy?
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