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Article Title: Shirley Goes R&B
Author of reported comment: Kalef
Comment Date: 18:06 on May 17 2007
Comment: Well i do believe that the world and the church are so tied together you can't tell who's who and the bible say my people will no my voice. I Love the spirit that lives in Pastor Ceaser Lord know i do mother as I like to call the same time “I'm gonna sales CD” and “going to the Grammy???” That’s’ so not like Mama Ceaser; you lost me baby....last time i check you did music to carry out the word of God, So now your just out to sale CD's??? I don't want to believe this at all but the bible also says out the abundant of the heart the mouth speaks....And for the record the Grammy is to award the world is it’s not????? Now that same bible that Mama has help me understand so much says when the world give me something the love of God is not in me. I think when Gospel and The whole are mixed you only bring confusion and the devil is confusion...Mother Shirley i want to believe you did this song to get Tonex's fan back to worshiping God cause that man was so stuck on self it aint funny....and that's not a judge it's fact.....I say that to say if you really listing to the song Mother Ceaser is sing to and about Jesus whole time brother Tonex is rapping about her….and the thing I love about that part of the song all the while he’s rapping about her she in the background singing TELL HIM MY FAITH IN THE LORD…..Glory to God…. Just pray yall no one Is prefect and you don’t know the hearts…
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