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Article Title: Snooker Champion Shares His Faith
Author of reported comment: Marianne Enzler
Comment Date: 11:00 on May 22 2007
Comment: I have only just come across this article. I am a big fan of you and when I heard that you are a Christian, I liked you even more. I have senn that the article is from 2005, but I hope, there's still a chance that you read this. I have been dreaming of becoming a snooker coach for about two years now. I got some information about coaching courses at the snooker academy in Sheffield. My problem is, that here in Switzerland, where no one is interested in snooker, I don't get any support by my family, they tell me to get a proper job. I still go to school and it is very discourageing when everybody tells you, that it is nothing but a crazy idea, which it actually is, but still I don't want to give up... Because I don't know what else to do, I thought I write this here, I have nothing to lose. Thank you very much for reading this. Yours sincerely Marianne.
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