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Article Title: Tammy Trent: Living Through Personal Tragedy And Finding God's Healing
Author of reported comment: Marsha A. Bousley
Comment Date: 05:05 on Jun 2 2007
Comment: I really enjoyed your article. I was watching TBN , Tammy Trent came on, she shared her story about the death of her husband. What a testimony! I think what impressed me the most was her strength and her strong belief in God. What an inspiration! My brother lost his son to a terrible home fire in April of 2005, my brother was burned over 70% percent of his body trying to save his son, he was unable. I keep praying that he will find God. I want so much for him to see that God spared him for a reason, he could have easily let him die, but he didn't. We had thousands of people all over the world praying for him. Our prayers were answered! My brother is alive, he was released from the hospital Feb/2006. I'm very proud of him, I know he has alot to deal with and I know that my prayers will be answered soon that he will come to know God. My brother is truly a miracle , if anything it has renewed my faith. From the moment in April 2005 that all of this happened, I realized the God does answer prayers and show us miracles. I'm still amazed. Thank you Tammy, I appreciated your story, God is using you for people like us, to renew our faith in him. God Bless.
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