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Article Title: The Big Donor Show - Unnecessary Hoax
Author of reported comment: Peter Keijsers
Comment Date: 20:24 on Jun 4 2007
Comment: I don't agree on the way you look at The Big Donor Show. One thing you should know is that the Netherlands has far less donors than other countries in Europe, which, in my opinion, is caused by the outdated legislation considering being a donor: you have to fill in a form if you want to be a donor, if you don't do this you're not a donor. And yes, for most programs the target group of BNN is the young, but not for this show. They clearly stated they wanted to make a point, which they did very well I think. Furthermore, no money was made with this show, BNN is a public station and the profits from the SMS-campaign went to the Dutch kidney foundation. However, I do get udnerstand point you want to make about how far we need to go with shock treatment programs, although I don't think their will be another show like this in the future. The whole world talked about this show the last week, so when another show like this will be made, people will immediately question the authenticity of the show.
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