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Article Title: Big Donor - Public Service Or Just Bad Taste?
Author of reported comment: C
Comment Date: 13:20 on Jun 5 2007
Comment: fact that its a hoax adds insult to injury. it trivialises plight of those people out there who have been refused a much-needed organ due to there not being a suitable one available. i wonder how these genuine cases feel now? i wonder, too, what would have happened had contestants been genuine, and some of those would have been turned down live on TV. How awful for those people and their loved ones to be exploited as entertainment when they are facing such a tragedy. There are surely better ways of promoting and encouraging people to donate. What about a show where celebs do daft things to raise money to actually help these unfortunate people? Charity shows may be lame and cheesey, but at least they have some kind of function, if money is honestly distributed in the end (unlike some have been in recent past).
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