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Article Title: The Big Donor Show - Unnecessary Hoax
Author of reported comment: George
Comment Date: 23:02 on Jun 5 2007
Comment: Okay Mal, we get it: you hate Endemol (and are probably embarrassed at being “had”). But please stop talking as if they are the first or only people to use shock tactics to raise an important issue. The road safety adverts on British television look like something Quentin Tarantino would make, but everyone says it’s necessary for them to be so graphic. And I’ve even heard Christians make the same excuse for the graphic violence in The Passion of the Christ: “Yes, it’s violent, but it has to be to get the message across.” What have Endemol done that is so different? And when was the last time you heard any Christian leader encourage people to become organ donors? And another thing: I’m no fan of reality TV myself, but I think it’s rather hypocritical the way Christians condemn Big Brother, etc. one minute, then make celebrities out of people such as Cameron Stout, Mandisa, etc. the next. You can’t have your cake and eat it.
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