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Article Title: New Era for Northern Ireland - The Power Of Hope
Author of reported comment: Barry
Comment Date: 05:28 on Jun 9 2007
Comment: Sean may God bless you in your search for the truth in these matters. I can say as an American who spent 8+ years working among youth in N Ireland, that to the average American it could be very hard to get a truly accurate picture of what is happening in the day to day lives of the people in the North. Having worked among youth (and adults) from both sides, and been friends with those in prison etc., I can tell you that from my experience the Americans are sold a pallet-sized load of propaganda, most of it leaning toward the Republican cause, designed to do one thing, namely to raise money to fund organisations that are running a well-oiled machine to make a living off people's sentiments (actually true of both sides in the exreme camps). It would be amazing how quickly this would dry up if there were not money to be made in intimidation, protection rackets, and drugs and weapons. My friends who 'got out' say it is not that different from the mafia. The encouraging thing is that a lionshare of the promoters of peace and agreements are the true Christians from regardless of background. I have seen some truly amazing changes wrought by the power of God, (not so much religion) and the forgiveness that can be fostered by an individuals relationship with Jesus. nuff said for now God bless you and God bless the Peace Process. Barry
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