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Article Title: The Big Donor Show - Unnecessary Hoax
Author of reported comment: ellen
Comment Date: 18:34 on Jun 16 2007
Comment: dear mal and readers, as usual i enjoyed reading your article. it's witty, short-sighted, and still terribly true. what have we become that we 'need' these kind of programs to be stimulated into doing what is only right and just? and why are we so prone to view reality tv? why do tabloid and gossip mags slay their millions? why do we keep telling journalists and papparazzi (how do you spell that anyway?) to lower their standards. after all it is us who are buying, reading, and watching this garbage. and maybe what paul was saying to the philippians still rings the bell today. our world is going totally beserk, and i think, so are we, the church. unjust means are never justified by their outcome, no matter how succesful they seem to be. it would be too easy to say the donor show was a good thing çoz it resulted into 50,000 new donors. that does not make a tasteless show right. we, believers of christ, must aim higher. with paul i say, also to myself, focus on what is right, just, true, noble, pure, lovely, has good report and virtue, and is praiseworthy. does it make me better than other people? no. but hopefully christ will receive praise through it. that is what this life is all about, is it not?
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