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Article Title: Spontanious Worship
Author of reported comment: Heather
Comment Date: 22:25 on Jun 17 2007
Comment: It was really great working with paul on this cd, its always nerve wracking doing something spontaneous because no one has any idea of what will happen! Paul has a wonderfully easy manner, and puts you at ease, so it was a real treat working together. My favourite song is Honey from the Rock, my son Tim had a dream about honey from the rock, and so I felt it would make a good song, and the Lord did the rest lol. There are some flaws in my voice, unlike other cds you only get one chance, what you hear is the very first time we heard the song ourselves as we recorded. It was so strange having to re learn the songs, the songs were new and fresh to us too! We have recieved very moving reports of people finding solace in the songs, many living in Israel, and other countries, people play the cd to bring peace into their homes. We are so priveleged to be part of that, knowing that people throughout the nations are reached through the melodies and words of the songs. We hear that relaxation classes in Jerusalem are using them! We want to see Jesus honoured and lifted so thankyou for your review, it was a real blessing. Catch you later Heather. Hev the rev!
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