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Article Title: Shirley Goes R&B
Author of reported comment: jay
Comment Date: 21:46 on Jun 24 2007
Comment: I just read all the comments about Pastor Shirely's latest album. It really made me realise how sad many of us are in our thinking as Christians - even in this day. I agree with the brother who talked about Jesus coming not for those that are whole - but the sick. Any doctor will tell you that most medications have a bit of the sickness in it. A bit of Rap in Gospel to the world hearer will only help them to give EAR to listen to what we are saying. And there is encough WORD in Pastor Shirley's song to overcome the DARKNESS in a heart. Jesus spoke relevant stories and pictures that ordinary folk, poor and helpless could understand. That's why he stood apart from the religious PHARISEES of the day - and he took flack for it. So even though Jesus spoke in a way the common people (sinners) could understand it was the Pharisees (equivalent of the religious Christians today) who moaned. Also if the Apostle Paul can advise us not to worry about the people who preach for "filthy lucre" - (or in plain language dirty money), but just be glad that the gospel is preach, how much more for gospel songs that are preaching good sense or morals and THE GOOD WORD OF GOD with a bit of dancehall or reggae or hip hop. I personally believe that all entertainment of every kind with moral standards should be created and developed by Christians. Why? Because we should be prime advocates of what is good and right - since we say we know God and righteoousness (doing the right thing). Secondly, Paul said that when there are things we find difficult to judge we should not cause dissention or division BUT ...leave them until the day of the Lord (sorry no time to look up the reference but its there)! Go on Pastor Shirley, I hope you sell lots of CDs to non Christians as well as Christians. You've earned every cent and penny!
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