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Article Title: Shirley Goes R&B
Author of reported comment: Gwyn
Comment Date: 15:01 on Jul 19 2007
Comment: I had a co-worker who was very dedicated to the Word of God and supported many traditional Gospel artists. One day, she had the opportunity to visit her favorite artists back stage and was shocked to find that most of them were behaving in such an ungodly manner. It broke her heart. We tend to think that just because a Gospel artist is strickly traditional that they are "truly annointed," and we think that if an artist is more contemporary, than they lack annointing. Only God knows the heart of a person. If those few lines on that one song by Paster Caesar can cause a person to think that she's "lost her annointing in singing" in the face of all that she's done in the name of Jesus, we can only thank our Heavenly Father for His Grace and Mercy that extends far beyond our greatests faults. Aren't we suppose to be a reflection of Him? I interrupt the lines, "I'm gonna sell CDs" and "Going to the Grammys" as a statement that the Gospel is going to spread to such a height that one day a Gospel artist will open the Grammys and the increase in sales will testify to the renewed spreading of "the Good News" to those who need it the most. Isn't that our commission? I ask those of us who aren't "judging, but telling the truth" this question: How are we actively using our gifts and talents to bring those "out of the ark of safety" into the Arms of Jesus? Remember, Jesus went to the lost and spoke in a manner in which they could understand. He didn't just attend temple and wait for them to find Him. This lively debate is good because it made me look in the mirror and hold my faith and works up to the Light. I hope we all do the same. God bless and keep you all in Spirit, Truth, and Love.
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