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Article Title: Independent Adjudication Decision Reached Regarding Exeter CU
Author of reported comment: Roger Pearse
Comment Date: 17:16 on Jul 28 2007
Comment: Isn't the idea of an "independent adjudicator appointed by Exeter University" quite funny, really, since the University is a party to the dispute? Has it not facilitated and encouraged the attack on the Christian Union? This whole process of 'arbitration' was merely an attempt to side-step a court appeal, was it not? The involvement of the university on one side was known before all this started, was it not? I would encourage UCCF to go to a really independent group, the law courts. Every act of religious persecution from Diocletian onwards consists of creating a situation in which the victims have no good choices. Diocletian demanded either that Christians sacrificed to the gods (i.e. abandoned Christianity) or refused to (in which case he could 'justifiably' have them executed for treason towards the lawful authorities). He certainly didn't care tuppence about whether anyone sacrificed; that was just a pretext to allow him to persecute. Isn't this exactly what we see at Exeter? Either the CU must abandon control of their own organisation -- so it ceases to exist -- or else face punishment for refusing to conform. Yet who supposes that anyone at Exeter cares tuppence about this demand, except as a tool with which to beat the Christians? I would have thought that in 2007 a society could allow a small and inoffensive group of people to practise their religion without harassment. I'm not sure how in Exeter University, apparently, freedom of religion is at the discretion of the university authorities. The reluctance of Christians to go to court is legendary -- and no doubt the persecutors feel a thrill at forcing the CU to do so. But John Wesley did, and so should UCCF.
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