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Article Title: Parental Advisory Notice
Author of reported comment: Billy
Comment Date: 05:48 on Jul 30 2007
Comment: Let me first say that Melody hit the nail on the head...good job. Now, here's my contribution: Tonex has NEVER been a Christian artist. I rembember having his first c.d. and hearing something about a demon's ass......phault. Are you serious? He sung about a Taxi cab on one of his songs...the whole way through....sure, your love for God came through on that one Tonex. Here is the point. Nobody MADE him become a Christian artist. He has always acted like people have restricted his artistic freedom, and now that he has his own label he makes a "christian" album with a parental advisory sticker. Well, you know what, if that is what he wanted to do before, I'm glad somebody restricted him. The truth is, a lot of people come into the Christian arena because they would not make it as a secular artist. It is a big fish in a small pond mentality and I'm sick of it. To me a lot of his music, not all, has been unbearable for a long time because of his failed lunges at innovation and creativty. There is difference between going "out the box" and trying to be different just for the sake of it. A parental advisory sticker? To me, it was simply a matter of time.
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